Friday 12 February 2010

Introducing Dave Ridgway, Your Independent Candidate For Valley Ward on May 6th.

Dave Ridgway

Until recently Dave Ridgway was a 20 year plus local government worker and a UNISON Trades Union activist and assistant Branch Secretary, 

He has now retired and as well as his activity for the Rotherham Independents Campaign is a keen Millers supporter and also likes a round or two of golf.

He was also, until recently, a Labour Party member. He knows, more than most, that change will never come from Labour in Rotherham. It is now a shadow of a party and no longer even capable of giving Rotherham any decent candidates and certainly no hope.

Dave is also the Chair of Governors at Listerdale Primary School and has served on the Governing Body for over twenty years. Dave Ridgway is passionate about education and is totally committed to ensuring that all Rotherham's children and young adults get the best education possible.

Dave has been also a long time Foster Parent to many of Rotherhams most vulnerable children.

Dave is also a long time supporter of Rotherham's Hospice and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice. He is keen that the Borough Council should support them properly as well.

Dave is standing in the Valley Ward for seat on the Council as your elected representative and to make a real difference on your behalf.

Dave Ridgway
Rotherham Independents Candidate for Valley Ward

Dave Ridgway and Peter Thirlwall
